Saturday, December 19, 2009

Asides - Happy Holidays

For the last post of the year, here are some December movie magazine covers from 1917 (!) to 1935. We also have some interior photos that celebrate the season, and a couple of gift suggestion ads for you last minute shoppers. Enjoy, happy holidays, and peace to you all.

Click on the images for a larger view.

Motion Picture Magazine, December 1917 - Cover Artist: Leo Sielke

Photoplay, December 1927 - Cover Artist: Charles Sheldon

Motion Picture Classic, December 1930 - Cover Artist: Marland Stone

Screenland, December 1933 - Cover Artist: Charles Sheldon

Screenland, December 1934 - Cover Artist: Charles Sheldon

Motion Picture, December 1935 - Cover Artist: If you can figure out the signature, let me know. There is no inside credit, but here is a close-up.

That was quick. Thanks to Vanwall (see comments), the artist is Morris "Morr" Kusnet.

Cine-Mundial, December 1935 - Cover Artist: Unknown

Clara, Jocelyn and Norma, all in the holiday spirit.

And now a couple of ads from our sponsors.

Iphone, Zune, CD player, who needs them? Give your loved one or family the modern way to listen to music. You can't go wrong with a Victrola XVII, from Victor and his master's voice.

If you enjoy a good smoke, you can't beat Helmar Turkish cigarettes, especially when they are wrapped in gay Christmas packaging .

Both ads from the December 1917 edition of Motion Picture Magazine.
Support our sponsors.


Vanwall said...

The artist is Morris "Morr" Kusnet, an elusive name, but he was a photog/illustrator and he did quite a few covers and posters over the years, and seemed to be one of those almost anonymous artists the Studios used, especially MGM, altho he did pretty damn good work.

Operator_99 said...

Thanks, you've cleared up the mystery, and of course now that I know it, I can see it clearly Just couldn't make an "e" out of what I thought was a "g" or a "t" out of what looked to be an "f". And if the Sothern is a representative example, I agree that it is damn good work.

Vanwall said...

I ran across his name a few years ago looking at magazine covers on the Web, and I was a little amazed that nothing much was posted about him. Nothing has changed, I think, which is too bad, he was fairly prolific - I'm sure you've seen his work before, and like me, often without realizing it. The bigger names crowd out guys like Kusnet, who was at least as good.

Dsata said...

Thank you. Especiallu, for the Norma Shearer picture.

Lolita of the Classics said...

Wow, amazing covers! My favorite is the Myrna Loy one, that was a real spot-on portrait.
Merry Christmas!

A said...

Gorgeous images. Wonderful job.

Sarah said...

I love all the holiday publicity photos. Kinda wish stars today would do stuff like that more often.

Philip Mershon said...

Glorious! But then you posts always are.

Happy Old and New Year.

COCAMIA said...

I love the images!!! FAB! Happy New Year...xo